PACE Yo’ Self!

Even before I put my shoes on this morning I realized how much I miss running in the mornings vs the afternoons or evenings! I got out fairly early to begin my run at 6:55am, but not early enough! It was still very hot at least 26 degrees Celcius and increasing this morning! I survived due to good pacing before my half-way point. (Also, my form was pretty great as well throughout, even for the last kilometer.)

It was one of the hottest days of the year I think, or so it seemed. We’ve been getting this almost month-long heat wave with heat warnings issued by Environment Canada here just about every day…I know my late afternoon/evening runs need to draw to a close and be replaced with morning runs — old school. It just makes better sense in this heat. I think I’m losing at least a minute difference due to the heat/humidity factor alone.

Of course, that will mean that I need to wake up early and get to bed fairly early on a consistent basis…hmmm… Life changes. So, today I ran a 13k for 1 hour and 23 minutes and 25 seconds in the growing heat at a 6:25min/km pace. (No stretches today, too busy, but tomorrow I need to get back at it! There is a 5k on the menu..)



Photo by me. Taken this AM on the way to my starting point 🙂


Btw, Week1 is officially done-zo! Complete! :D!!! Yay, me! This is a good start 🙂

Today’s song is from one of my favourite bands in their better days: Everything’s Not Lost by Coldplay.